Abstracts should be submitted online. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words including the title. Please do not include the references in the abstracts. Abstracts will be blind-reviewed by our scientific committee. Within two weeks from your submission, you will be notified if your paper is accepted for presentation.
Presentation Types:
On-site presentation: The standard format for presentation. Oral presentations are 20 minutes in length.
Poster Presentation: The following guidelines are provided to assist in your poster preparations. We ask that all poster presenters follow these guidelines and invite any questions that you may have. All posters are displayed on a floor standing fabric-covered bulletin board with 2 presentations per side. You should bring the printed content, but you DO NOT need to bring the poster board itself or pins for attaching your poster components.
Virtual Presentation: If presenters will not be able to attend the conference, virtual presentation opportunity will allow authors to present their paper. Following the conference, a conference pack (printed receipt of payment, certificate of presentation and a copy of the conference program) will be mailed to the virtual presenter.
Topics include but not limited to:
Social Networks Sport and Physical Education Technology and Education Women’s Studies K-12 Education Higher Education Non-Formal Education Online Learning Methods
Graphic Design Painting and Printmaking Photography Cross-Cultural Communication Studies Sociology Psychology Philosophy Journalism Public Health History Georgraphy Folklore |
Behavioral and Psychological Sciences Education and Information Technologies Education Science and Technology Music Theory and Composition Instrumental Performance Musıc History and Musicology Music Education Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development Environmental Studies Ethical Issues and Challenges Ethnic Studies/International Studies Geography and Geological Sciences Health Issues and Services Human Rights Development
Interdisciplinary Research and Studies Country Studies Race/Ethnic Studies Sculpture Area Studies(African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Russian, Women’s and all other cultural and ethnic studies) |