OCDE Webinaire : What will education look like in the future?

  • Jeudi 28 janvier 2021 à
  • En ligne



As we begin a new year, it’s traditional to take stock of the past in order to look forward, to imagine and plan for a better future. Looking ahead and beyond the current pandemic, how do we envisage education changing? The events of the past year have accelerated our increasing familiarity and use of technology and online learning, making us wonder whether our education systems are keeping pace. What new possibilities does this present? And what are the challenges to some of the structures we have in place now, for example in higher education?

And crucially, how do we best prepare our young people for the future, while at the same time ensuring that we have the workforce we need?

Join us for an interactive webinar, hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and Education and Employers, where Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills, will outline four different scenarios describing what education might look like in the future, and then discuss what each might mean for students.

We will then give you a chance to comment and tell us which future scenario you think is the most likely.