• Du lundi 31 mai 2010 au jeudi 3 juin 2010
  • Harvard University


Conference Objectives and Call for Research

This conference has two main objectives. First, to bring academics together in a multidisciplinary setting. There is an increasing realization that each academic discipline cannot thrive on its own without capitalizing on the rapidly developing research and findings across the disciplines. The second main objective is to introduce professors and other academics to New England as an ideal venue for learning and short courses designed for university students. Instead of hosting a summer course on their own campus, our conference participants will learn how to host short summer courses in the Northeast and enlarge the academic experience of their students.

To participate in this conference, please submit an abstract, paper or proposal in one of the following tracks:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities,
  • Business and Economics,
  • Teaching and Education,
  • Science and Technology.

The best paper in each of these four refereed tracks will be recognized through an engraved plaque. The reviewers will select the winning papers.

The accepted submissions will be clustered around their common topics and areas of interest. As is typical of multidisciplinary conferences, the final program - released about three weeks before the conference - will mirror the research agendas of the delegates rather than a pre-conceived list of arbitrary topics.

It is up to each delegate how much to submit or publish. Some authors may publish only an abstract in the proceedings. Others may prefer to publish a full-length manuscript in the journal.

Delegates may also attend a conference without submitting or publishing any research.

Authors may deliver their work during the conference either as (i) a regular presentation, (ii) a poster session, (iii) a panel, or (iv) a workshop.