Revues scientifiques

Scandinavian Journal of Educational research, Vol.51, n°2, avril 2007 2007

The Swedish Experiment with Localised Control of Time Schedules: Policy problem representations 119 - 139 Linda Rönnberg Epistemological Beliefs, Social Status, and School Preference: An exploration of relationships 141 - 162 Cornelis J. de Brabander; Jeroen S. Rozendaal The Swedish Sports Movement and the PE Teacher 1940-2003: From supporter to challenger 163 - 183 Eva Olofsson Students' Evaluation of Teaching, Approaches to Learning, and Academic Achievement 185 - 204 Åge Diseth Preschool Achievement in Finland and Estonia: Cross-cultural comparison between the cities of Helsinki and Tallinn 205 - 221 Mikko Ojala; Leida Talts