Revues scientifiques

The Internet and Higher Education, 15(2) 2012

Editorial Board
Page IFC
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Introduction to the special issue of the American Educational Research Association's online teaching and learning special interest group (SIG-OTL)
Pages 79-80
Steven R. Terrell
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Linking online course design and implementation to learning outcomes: A design experiment Original Research Article
Pages 81-88
Karen Swan, Daniel Matthews, Leonard Bogle, Emily Boles, Scott Day
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Highlights► The QM and CoI frameworks address different aspects of online course design and implementation. ► Combined QM review and revision and ongoing CoI revisions resulted in improved student learning outcomes in an online masters level course in education. ► The design-based approach used in this study proved very useful and might be used in other contexts.

Learning presence: Additional research on a new conceptual element within the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework Original Research Article
Pages 89-95
Peter Shea, Suzanne Hayes, Sedef Uzuner Smith, Jason Vickers, Temi Bidjerano, Alexandra Pickett, Mary Gozza-Cohen, Jane Wilde, Shoubang Jian
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Highlights► Even in collaborative models the roles of online instructors and learners are not identical. ► Learners must accomplish certain tasks that instructors do not. ► Students marshal thoughts, emotions, motivations, behaviors and strategies to succeed. ► This constellation of effective activity can be identified in student discourse. ► We call it “learning presence” and it is positively correlated with measures of learning.

Project DAVES: An exploratory study of social presence, e-mentoring, and vocational counseling support in community college courses Original Research Article
Pages 96-101
Lynne Schrum, Mary C. English, Lyndsie M. Galizio
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Highlights► Turnkey courses are provided to faculty and students including all materials for minimal costs. ► Doctoral students provide online mentoring and materials for community college faculty. ► Creating social presence proved to be more challenging than expected. ► Outcomes demonstrated clear guidelines and expectations are the key to success.

Beyond the early adopters of online instruction: Motivating the reluctant majority Original Research Article
Pages 102-107
Emily Hixon, Janet Buckenmeyer, Casimir Barczyk, Lori Feldman, Heather Zamojski
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Microanalytic case studies of individual participation patterns in an asynchronous online discussion in an undergraduate blended course Original Research Article
Pages 108-117
Alyssa Friend Wise, Nishan Perera, Ying-Ting Hsiao, Jennifer Speer, Farshid Marbouti
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Highlights► Microanalytic case studies of log-file data probed online discussion participation. ► Activity was not uniformly minimal as past aggregate measures have suggested. ► 3 case studies are presented: thorough, self-monitoring and independent students. ► Each aligns with a level in theoretical participation taxonomy.

Cutting the distance in distance education: Perspectives on what promotes positive, online learning experiences Original Research Article
Pages 118-126
E.C. Boling, M. Hough, H. Krinsky, H. Saleem, M. Stevens
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Highlights► Describes online interactions that promote positive learning experiences ► Describes effective instructional practices for online learning ► Highlights challenges and pitfalls that arise through online teaching and learning ► Reveals how the Cognitive Apprentice Model provides a lens to analyze online courses

Examining the extent and nature of online learning in American K-12 Education: The research initiatives of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Original Research Article
Pages 127-135
Anthony G. Picciano, Jeff Seaman, Peter Shea, Karen Swan
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Highlights► This article reports the findings of three national studies of online and blended learning in K-12 education. ► Online and blended learning are growing significantly and it is projected that by 2016, five million K-12 mostly high school students will be enrolled in these courses. ► Online and blended learning are seen as a cost-effective modality for addressing high school reform issues including improving graduation rates through credit recovery,