Revues scientifiques

Research in Learning Technology, 20(1) 2012

Table of ContentsVolume 20, issue 1 (2012)

Editorial: Going for gold: Research in Learning Technology makes the switch to a fully Open Access publishing model PDF HTML EPUB XML
Frances Bell, Seb Schmoller, Rhona Sharpe  
Open educational resources: staff attitudes and awareness PDF HTML EPUB XML
Vivien Rolfe  
Viewing mobile learning from a pedagogical perspective PDF HTML EPUB XML
Matthew Kearney, Sandra Schuck, Kevin Burden, Peter Aubusson  
Worth it? Findings from a study of how academics assess students’ Web 2.0 activities PDF HTML EPUB XML
Kathleen Gray, Jenny Waycott, Rosemary Clerehan, Margaret Hamilton, Joan Richardson, Judithe Sheard, Celia Thompson  
Beyond marks: new tools to visualise student engagement via social networks PDF HTML EPUB XML
Joanne L. Badge, Neil F.W. Saunders, Alan J. Cann  
Cross-discipline investigation of the relationship between academic performance and online resource access by distance education students PDF HTML EPUB XML
Andrea Crampton, Angela T. Ragusa, Heather Cavanagh  
The effectiveness of educational podcasts for teaching music and visual arts in higher education PDF HTML EPUB XML
Cheung On Tam  
By design: negotiating flexible learning in the built environment discipline PDF HTML EPUB XML
Richard Tucker, Gayle Morris