Revues scientifiques

TESL Canada Journal, 29(Special Issue 6) 2012

Table of ContentsEditorial

Generation 1.5 in Canada: Multiple Perspectives on a Shifting Demographic Landscape PDF
Hetty Roessingh, Scott Roy Douglas i, iii


A Critical Review of the Canadian Empirical Literature: Documenting Generation 1.5’s K-16 Trajectories PDF
Bruce Garnett 1
English Language Learners in Canadian Schools: Emerging Directions for School-Based Policies PDF
Jim Cummins, Rania Mirza, Saskia Stille 25
Through the Eyes and From the Mouths of Young Heritage-Language Learners: How Children Feel and Think About Their Two Languages PDF
Maureen Jean, Esther Geva 49
The Language Socialization and Identity Negotiations of Generation 1.5 Korean- Canadian University Students PDF
Jean Kim, Patricia A. Duff 81
“They’re Different From Who I Am”: Making Relevant Identities in the Middle Through Talk-in-Interaction PDF
Tim Mossman 103
Linguistic Identities and Experiences of Generation 1.5 Teacher Candidates: Race Matters PDF
Farahnaz Faez 124
Immigrant Students Navigating Canadian Schools: A Longitudinal View PDF
Lee Gunderson, Reginald Arthur D’Silva, Dennis Murphy Odo 142
Investigating Cohesion and Coherence Discourse Strategies of Chinese Students with Varied Lengths of Residence in Canada PDF
Krista Leo 157


Alberta K-12 ESL Proficiency Benchmarks PDF
Kathy Salmon, Mike Ettrich 180
Words for English-Language Learners PDF
Andrew Biemiller 198

In the Classroom

Cultural Competence in Alberta Schools: Perceptions of ESL Families in Four Major School Boards PDF
Hieu V. Ngo 204
Helping Children to Learn at Home: A Family Project to Support Young English-Language Learners PDF
Mary-Anne Jasinski 224
An Intensive Academic English Course for Generation1.5 ELLs Bound for Postsecondary Studies: Curriculum Design, Development, and Implementation PDF
Katie Crossman, Geoffrey Pinchbeck 231

ISSN: 0826-435X TESL Canada Journal is indexed in CBCA Education (Canadian Education Index), EBSCO, ERIC, The Gale Group, and H.W. Wilson.