FEATURES Lina's Letters: A 9-Year-Old's Perspective on What Matters Most in the Classroom, by David Pratt Technology Education: A Contemporary Perspective, by Len S. Litowitz and Scott A. Warner Industrial Arts: Call It What You Want, the Need Still Exists, by James Howlett Harry Potter's Provocative Moral World: Is There a Place For Good and Evil in Moral Education?, by Perry L. Glanzer Everyday Pedagogy: Lessons from Basketball, Track, and Dominoes, by Na'ilah Suad Nasir DEPARTMENTS THE EDITOR'S PAGE: Through a Glass Backward WASHINGTON COMMENTARY: A New Look for the Teaching Profession, by Anne C. Lewis STATELINE: Dat's Story: Things Have Got to Change, by Kathy Christie TECHNOLOGY: Consumer Electronics Show and Macworld, by Royal Van Horn IN CANADA: Fixing Urban School Boards, by Ben Levin RESEARCH: On the Shortage of Scientists and Engineers, by Gerald W. Bracey COURTSIDE: Outstripping Students Again, by Perry A. Zirkel WEB WATCH, Don't Reinvent the Wheel: Tools for First-Year Teachers, by John Collins and Marcia Nigro New! Comment on Kappan articles at the PDK Forums, Kappan Journal Discussion, http://forums.pdkintl.org.