Revues scientifiques
British journal of sociology of education, 27(4) 2006
- Troubling identities: reflections on Judith Butler's philosophy for the sociology of education
- Subjectification: the relevance of Butler's analysis for education, Davies, Bronwyn
- The politics of performative resignification: translating Judith Butler's theoretical discourse and its potential for a sociology of education, Hey, Valerie
- Gender undone: subversion, regulation and embodiment in the work of Judith Butler, Nayak, Anoop; Kehily, Mary Jane
- Play School , melancholia, and the politics of recognition, Rasmussen, Mary Lou
- They won't let us play 'unless you're going out with one of them': girls, boys and Butler's 'heterosexual matrix' in the primary years, Renold, Emma
- Subjectivation and performative politics - Butler thinking Althusser and Foucault: intelligibility, agency and the raced-nationed-religioned subjects of education, Youdell, Deborah