Revues scientifiques

Theory and Research in Education, 6(3) 2008

Peter Stone What can lotteries do for education?
Theory and Research in Education 2008 6: 267-282. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Francis Schrag The school is the problem, not the solution
Theory and Research in Education 2008 6: 283-307. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Lawrence Blum `White privilege': A mild critique1
Theory and Research in Education 2008 6: 309-321. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Marjan Simenc The status of the subject in the classroom community of inquiry
Theory and Research in Education 2008 6: 323-336. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Randall Curren Cardinal virtues of academic administration
Theory and Research in Education 2008 6: 337-363. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
J.C. Blokhuis Book review: Ian MacMullen, Faith in Schools? Autonomy, Citizenship, and Religious Education in the Liberal State, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2007. 230 pp. ISBN 978—0691—13091—0, £19.95 (hbk)
Theory and Research in Education 2008 6: 365-373. [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]