Revues scientifiques
Higher Education, 52(3) 2006
- The 'Quality Myth': Promoting and Hindering Conditions for Acquiring Research Funds, Grit Laudel
- Still Academic and National - Internationalisation in Norwegian Research and Higher Education, Nicoline Frølich
- Delayed Understanding and Staying in Phase: Students’ Perceptions of their Study Situation, Max Scheja
- Creating Productive Interactions between Work and the Academy, James Garraway
- Organizational Response to the Demand and Expectation for Diversity, David J. Siegel
- Academic Life and Motherhood: Variations by Institutional Type, Lisa Ellen Wolf-Wendel and Kelly Ward
- Entrepreneurialism in Japanese and UK Universities: Governance, Management, Leadership, and Funding, Keiko Yokoyama
- Changing Facets of Korean Higher Education: Market Competition and the Role of the State, Sunwoong Kim and Ju-Ho Le