Revues scientifiques

Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 31(2) 2008


Do Youth Learn Life Skills Through Their Involvement in High School Sport? A Case Study *
Nicholas L. Holt, Lisa N. Tink, James L. Mandigo, & Kenneth R. Fox

Sources de matérièl en francais pour l’élaboration d’épreuves de compétences en lecture et en écriture *
Alain Desrochers & Jean Saint-Aubin

Academic Self-Perception and its Relationship to Academic
Ronald W. Stringer & Nancy Heath

A Model for Increasing Reform Implementation and Teacher Efficacy: Teacher Peer Coaching in Grades 3 and 6 Mathematics *
Catherine D. Bruce & John A. Ross

Girls’ Visual Representations of Literacy in a Rural Ugandan
Maureen Kendrick & Shelley Jones

“What Were You Thinking?”: The Use of Metacognitive Strategy During Engagement with Reading Narrative and Informational Genres *
Marianne McTavish

Dealing With Messiness and Uncertainty in Practitioner Research: The Nature of Participatory Action Research *
Karen Goodnough

Middle-Classness and Whiteness in Parents’ Responses to Multiculturalism: A Study of One School *
Cynthia Levine-Rasky


Recensions *