Revues scientifiques

Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 31(3) 2008


Rôle médiateur de la compétence de l’enfant à l’entrée à l’école dans la relation entre les caractéristiques familiales et son adaptation scolaire *
Marie-Josée Letarte, Sylvie Normandeau, Marc Bigras, Sophie Parent, France Capuano, et Jean-François Boudreau

Les connaissances mathématiques et didactiques chez les futurs maîtres du primaire: Quatre cas à l’étude *
Marie-Pier Morin

“Education will get you to the station”: Marginalized Students’ Experiences and Perceptions of Merit in Accessing University *
Carl E. James & Leanne Taylor

Educational Priorities and Capacity: A Rural Perspective *
Dawn C. Wallin & Laura Reimer

Indigeneous People: Emancipatory Possibilities in Curriculum Development *
Colleen McMurchy-Pilkington

Learning Not to Speak in Tongues: Thoughts on The Librarian of Basra *
David Jardine & Rahat Naqvi

Life, Death and Transformation: Education and Incompleteness in Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game *
Peter Roberts

Comparing Performance-Based Accountability Models: A Canadian Example *
Sonia Ben Jaafar & Lorna Earl

Social Capital and Disparities in Canadian Youth’s Mathematics
Cherylynn Bassani


A Response to Kelly Gallagher-McKay in the Canadian Journal of Education 3(4) (2007), 1093-1104 *
John Bainbridge

A Reply to John Bainbridge *