Revues scientifiques

Canadian Public Policy /Analyse de politiques, 35(1) 2009

Joel F. Bruneau and Steven J. Renzetti: Greenhouse Gas Intensity in Canada: A Look at Historical Trends, pp. 1-20.

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Ronald D. Kneebone and Katherine G. White: Fiscal Retrenchment and Social Assistance in Canada, pp. 21-40.

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Tania Gosselin and François Pétry: The Regulation of Poll Reporting in Canada, pp. 41-58.

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Anthony E. Boardman, Claude Laurin, Mark A. Moore, and Aidan R. Vining: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Privatization of Canadian National Railway, pp. 59-84.

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Michael Smart and Richard M. Bird: The Economic Incidence of Replacing a Retail Sales Tax with a Value-Added Tax: Evidence from Canadian Experience, pp. 85-98.

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Paul Duffy and Susan Johnson: The Impact of Anti-Temporary Replacement Legislation on Work Stoppages: Empirical Evidence from Canada, pp. 99-120.

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Justin Rex and David J. Jackson: Window of Opportunity? Internet Gambling in Canada, pp. 121-138.

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