Revues scientifiques

Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation, 32(2) 2009

Table des matières *


District Administrator Perspectives on Student Learning in an Era of Standards and Accountability: A Collective Frame Analysis *
Stephen E. Anderson & Joelle Rodway Macri
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Meaningful Participation of Girls in Senior Physical Education Courses *
Sandra L. Gibbons
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Differential Effects of Male and Female Reading Tutors Based on Boys’ Gendered Views of Reading *
Laura Sokal, Herb Katz, Cassandra Thiem, & Amanda Crampton
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Awakening To Soma Heliakon: Encountering Teacher‐Researcher‐Learning in the Twenty‐first Century *
Pauline Sameshima & Anita Sinner
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Etude critique de la documentation scientifique brésilienne relative à l’analyse des pratiques enseignantes *
Anderson Araújo‐Oliveira, Johanne Lebrun, & Yves Lenoir
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La dimension affective du rapport à l’écrit d’élèves québécois *
Suzanne‐G. Chartrand & Michèle Prince
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Le tournant culturel du discours officiel québécois sous l’éclairage de la sociologie de la justification *
Héloïse Côté & Denis Simard
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Marjorie L. DeVault. (Ed.). (2008). People at Work: Life, Power and Social Inclusion in the New Economy *
by Godfrey Baldacchino

Wolfgang Lehman. (2007). Choosing to Labour? School‐Work Transitions and Social Class *
by Alison Taylor

Heather Jane Robertson. (2007, Summer). Great Expectations: Essays on Schools and Society. Our School/Our(Selves Special Issue) *
by Robert Regnier

JoAnne Schudt. (2008). Comprehensive Assessment: A Classroom Guide *
by Joanne MacNevin

Ellen Fogelbert, Carole Skalinder, Patti Satz, Barbara Hiller, Lisa Bernstein, and Sandra Vitantonio. (2008). Integrating Literacy and Math Strategies for K‐6 Teachers *
by Ann Marie MacDonald

Lori Friesen. (2008). The Beginning Teacher’s Handbook for Elementary School *
by Jennifer Holdway

Demetra Jajidiacos. (2006). Acting Alone: A Drama Teacher’s Monologue Survival Kit *
by George Belliveau

D. Hansen, E. Bernstorf, & G.M. Stuber. (2007). The Music and Literacy Connection *
by Andrée Lessard & Jonathan Bolduc