Revues scientifiques

AACE Journal, 17(2) 2009


What Students Think About Technology and Academic Engagement in School: Implications for Middle Grades Teaching and Learning
John Lee, North Carolina State University, USA; Hiller Spires, North Carolina State University, USA;

Copyright and Distance Education: The Impact of the Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act
Erik Nelson, Arcadia University, USA;

Digital Textbooks: The Next Paradigm Shift in Higher Education?
Kelly Heider, Indiana University of PA, USA; DeAnna Laverick, Indiana University of PA, USA; Bethany Bennett, Indiana University of PA, USA;

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) in Mathematics Teacher Education
Patrick Wachira, Cleveland State University, USA; Jared Keengwe, University of North Dakota, USA; Grace Onchwari, University of North Dakota, USA;

Overloading on Slides: Cognitive Load Theory and Microsoft’s Slide Program PowerPoint
Elizabeth Cooper, Master's Candidate, University of Memphis, USA;