Douglas Lee Lauen To Choose or not to Choose: High School Choice and Graduation in Chicago
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 2009 31: 179-199. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permission]
Vi-Nhuan Le, J. R. Lockwood, Brian M. Stecher, Laura S. Hamilton, and Jose Felipe Martinez A Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationship between Teachers’ Self-Reports of Reform-Oriented Instruction and Mathematics and Science Achievement
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 2009 31: 200-220. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permission]
Rob Luginbuhl, Dinand Webbink, and Inge de Wolf Do Inspections Improve Primary School Performance?
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 2009 31: 221-237. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permission]
Andrew C. Porter, Morgan S. Polikoff, and John Smithson Is There a de Facto National Intended Curriculum? Evidence From State Content Standards
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 2009 31: 238-268. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permission]
Joshua L. Glazer How External Interveners Leverage Large-Scale Change: The Case of America’s Choice, 1998–2003
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 2009 31: 269-297. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permission]
Jessaca Spybrook and Stephen W. Raudenbush An Examination of the Precision and Technical Accuracy of the First Wave of Group-Randomized Trials Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 2009 31: 298-318. [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [Request Permission]