Revues scientifiques

Educational Researcher, 38(6) 2009

2009 Presidential Address
Repositioning Politics in Education’s Circle of Knowledge (PDF)
Lorraine M. McDonnell 

Epistemology, Methodology, and Education Sciences
Positivist Dogmas, Rhetoric, and the Education Science Question (PDF)
Kenneth R. Howe 

Comments on Howe

Getting Over the Methodology Wars (PDF)
Eric Bredo

Toward a More Inclusive “Scientific Research in Education” (PDF)
R. Burke Johnson

The Never-Ending Education Science Debate: I’m Ready to Move On (PDF)
Linda C. Tillman

Response to Comments

Straw Makeovers, Dogmatic Holism, and Interesting Conversation (PDF)
Kenneth R. Howe

Book Reviews
Assessment for Accountability in Education: Past, Present, and Challenges Ahead (PDF)

The Past of Test-Based Educational Accountability (PDF)
Gregory J. Cizek 

Accountability Testing: Getting Situated (PDF)
Peter P. Afflerbach 

Response to “Accountability Testing: Getting Situated,” by Peter P. Afflerbach (PDF)
Gregory J. Cizek 

Response to “The Past of Test-Based Educational Accountability,” by Gregory J. Cizek (PDF)
Peter P. Afflerbach

AERA Highlights
From the Desk of the Executive Director: AERA, ER, and New Pathways for Scholarly Communication (PDF)
Call for Chapter Proposals for Handbook on Educational Leadership for Diversity and Equity (PDF)
AERA Announces New Editors for Educational Researcher (PDF)
Luis Moll to Present 2009 Brown Lecture in Education Research (PDF)
Call for Nominations for 2010 Brown Lecture (PDF)
Call for AERJ-TLHD and RRE Editors (PDF)
President-Elect Kris D. Gutiérrez Invites Nominations for Committees (PDF)
Standards for Reporting on Humanities-Oriented Research in AERA Publications (PDF)
Council Minutes, April 13, 2009 (PDF)
Summary of AERA Journal Operations, 2008 (PDF)

Classifieds (PDF)