Revues scientifiques

Theory and Research in Education, 7(2) 2009

Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 131. [PDF] [Request Permission]  
Christopher P. Niemiec and Richard M. Ryan Autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the classroom: Applying self-determination theory to educational practice
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 133-144. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Johnmarshall Reeve and Marc Halusic How K-12 teachers can put self-determination theory principles into practice
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 145-154. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Maarten Vansteenkiste, Bart Soenens, Joke Verstuyf, and Willy Lens `What is the usefulness of your schoolwork?': The differential effects of intrinsic and extrinsic goal framing on optimal learning
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 155-163. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Wendy S. Grolnick The role of parents in facilitating autonomous self-regulation for education
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 164-173. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Luc G. Pelletier and Elizabeth C. Sharp Administrative pressures and teachers' interpersonal behaviour in the classroom
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 174-183. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Heather Patrick and Geoffrey C. Williams Self-determination in medical education: Encouraging medical educators to be more like blues artists and poets
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 184-193. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Nikos Ntoumanis and Martyn Standage Motivation in physical education classes: A self-determination theory perspective
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 194-202. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Rodrigue Landry, Réal Allard, and Kenneth Deveau Self-determination and bilingualism
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 203-213. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
C. Scott Rigby and Andrew K. Przybylski Virtual worlds and the learner hero: How today's video games can inform tomorrow's digital learning environments
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 214-223. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Richard M. Ryan and Netta Weinstein Undermining quality teaching and learning: A self-determination theory perspective on high-stakes testing
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 224-233. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Avi Assor, Haya Kaplan, Ofra Feinberg, and Karen Tal Combining vision with voice: A learning and implementation structure promoting teachers' internalization of practices based on self-determination theory
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 234-243. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Edward L. Deci Large-scale school reform as viewed from the self-determination theory perspective
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 244-252. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Valery I. Chirkov A cross-cultural analysis of autonomy in education: A self-determination theory perspective
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 253-262. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]  
Richard M. Ryan and Christopher P. Niemiec Self-determination theory in schools of education: Can an empirically supported framework also be critical and liberating?
Theory and Research in Education 2009 7: 263-272. [Abstract] [PDF] [References] [Request Permission]