Revues scientifiques

Canadian Public Policy /Analyse de politiques, 35(2) 2009

Michael Burt: Tighter Border Security and Its Effect on Canadian Exports, pp. 149-169.

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Steven Globerman and Paul Storer: Border Security and Canadian Exports to the United States: Evidence and Policy Implications, pp. 171-186.

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Nisha Malhotra and Horatiu A. Rus: The Effectiveness of the Canadian Antidumping Regime, pp. 187-202.

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Richard Barichello, John Cranfield, and Karl Meilke: Options for the Reform of Supply Management in Canada with Trade Liberalization, pp. 203-217.

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Kathleen McNutt and Gregory Marchildon: Think Tanks and the Web: Measuring Visibility and Influence, pp. 219-236.

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Carol Agocs and Bob Osborne: Comparing Equity Policies in Canada and Northern Ireland: Policy Learning in Two Directions?, pp. 237-262.

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