Revues scientifiques

Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(2) 2010

Editorial board/Publication information
Page IFC
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Discrimination, performance and recuperation: How teachers and pupils challenge and recover discourses of sexualities in schools
Pages 145-151
David Nixon
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Teachers' approaches towards word problem solving: Elaborating or restricting the problem context
Pages 152-160
Fien Depaepe, Erik De Corte, Lieven Verschaffel
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Mathematics for teaching: A form of applied mathematics
Pages 161-172
Gabriel J. Stylianides, Andreas J. Stylianides
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Classroom-level curriculum development: EFL teachers as curriculum-developers, curriculum-makers and curriculum-transmitters
Pages 173-184
Saad F. Shawer
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Using embedded assessments to promote pedagogical reasoning among secondary teaching candidates
Pages 185-198
Peter Youngs, Tom Bird
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University teacher competencies in a virtual teaching/learning environment: Analysis of a teacher training experience
Pages 199-206
Teresa Guasch, Ibis Alvarez, Anna Espasa
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Uncovering contents of mentor teachers' interactive cognitions during mentoring dialogues
Pages 207-214
Paul Hennissen, Frank Crasborn, Niels Brouwer, Fred Korthagen, Theo Bergen
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Understanding Singaporean preschool teachers' beliefs about literacy development: Four different perspectives
Pages 215-224
Christina Lim
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Looking through the lens of a teacher's life: The power of prototypical stories in understanding teachers' instructional decisions in mathematics
Pages 225-233
Janet Hart Frost
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Teacher identity in the context of literacy teaching: Three explorations of classroom positioning and interaction in secondary schools
Pages 234-243
Leigh A. Hall, Amy Suzanne Johnson, Mary M. Juzwik, Stanton E.F. Wortham, Melissa Mosley
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Technologically and artistically enhanced multi-sensory computer-programming education
Pages 244-251
Zoltan Katai, Laszlo Toth
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ICT professional development for teachers in online forums: Analysing the role of discussion
Pages 252-258
Sarah Prestridge
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The Supporting Effective Teaching (SET) project: The relationship of inclusive teaching practices to teachers' beliefs about disability and ability, and about their roles as teachers
Pages 259-266
Anne Jordan, Christine Glenn, Donna McGhie-Richmond
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School cultures as contexts for informal teacher learning
Pages 267-277
Elena Jurasaite-Harbison, Lesley A. Rex
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School experience influences on pre-service teachers' evolving beliefs about effective teaching
Pages 278-289
Wan Ng, Howard Nicholas, Alan Williams
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Prospective teachers' metaphorical conceptualizations of learner
Pages 290-305
Ahmet Saban
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Peer coaching and pre-service teachers: Examining an underutilised concept
Pages 306-314
Linda R. Britton, Kenneth A. Anderson
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Teacher candidates' transformative thinking on issues of social justice
Pages 315-322
Rona Frederick, Agnes Cave, Kathleen C. Perencevich
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Social studies teacher candidates' views on the controversial issues incorporated into their courses in Turkey
Pages 323-334
A. Figen Ersoy
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“They taught me”: The benefits of early community-based field experiences in teacher education
Pages 335-342
Heather Coffey
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A group of educators' stance on the implementation of South Africa's further education and training curriculum
Pages 343-350
P. Treu, M.A.J. Olivier, P. Bean, J.L. Van der Walt
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Adresse civique
  • Université de Montréal
  • Faculté des Sciences de l'Éducation
  • 90, avenue Vincent d'Indy
  • Pavillon Marie-Victorin – C-536
  • Outremont (Québec) H2V 2S9
Adresse postale
  • Université de Montréal
  • Faculté des Sciences de l'Éducation
  • CRIFPE – C-543
  • C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville
  • Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7

Le Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE) est un centre d’excellence reconnu et financé par le FRQSC.

Université de Montréal Université Laval Université du Québec à Montréal Université du Québec à Rimouski Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Université de l'Outaouais et des Laurentides Université de Sherbrooke Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Formation à distance

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