Revues scientifiques

Canadian Public Policy /Analyse de politiques, 35(4) 2009

Marc Frenette, David A. Green, and Kevin Milligan: Taxes, Transfers, and Canadian Income Inequality, pp. 389-411.

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David Pond: Ontario's Greenbelt: Growth Management, Farmland Protection, and Regime Change in Southern Ontario, pp. 413-432.

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Valerie Tarasuk and Naomi Dachner: The Proliferation of Charitable Meal Programs in Toronto, pp. 433-450.

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Lori E. Ross, Rachel Epstein, Corrie Goldfinger, and Christina Yager: Policy and Practice Regarding Adoption by Sexual and Gender Minority People in Ontario, pp. 451-467.

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W. Craig Riddell: Older Workers in the New Economy: A Symposium on the Report of the Expert Panel on Older Workers, pp. 469-471.

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Charles M. Beach: Review of the Report of the Expert Panel on Older Workers, pp. 473-479.

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Frank T. Denton and Byron G. Spencer: Population Aging, Older Workers, and Canada's Labour Force, pp. 481-492.

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Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan: The Report of the Expert Panel on Older Workers: How Should Public Pensions Be Improved?, pp. 493-498.

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Stephen R.G. Jones: Older Workers in the New Economy: The Role of Wage Insurance and the Rethinking of Employment Insurance, pp. 499-511.

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