Revues scientifiques

Journal of Education Policy, 25(2) 2010

(un)Doing standards in education with actor-network theory
Tara J. Fenwick
Pages 117 – 133
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The problem trap: implications of Policy Archaeology Methodology for anti-bullying policies
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Making policy with ‘good ideas’: policy networks and the ‘intellectuals’ of New Labour
Stephen J. Ball ;Sonia Exley
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Citizens and/or consumers: mutations in the construction of concepts and practices of school choice
Andrew Wilkins
Pages 171 – 189
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Absence of the academic from higher education policy
Duna Sabri
Pages 191 – 205
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Troubling the discourse of teacher centrality: a comparative perspective
Marianne A. Larsen
Pages 207 – 231
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‘Weep for Chinese university’: a case study of English hegemony and academic capitalism in higher education in Hong Kong
Po King Choi
Pages 233 – 252
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The colour of numbers: surveys, statistics and deficit-thinking about race and class
David Gillborn
Pages 253 – 276
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The offence of theory
Maggie MacLure
Pages 277 – 286
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Racism and education: coincidence or conspiracy?
Meg Maguire
Pages 287 – 289
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Ian Menter
Pages 289 – 290
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An Atlantic crossing: the work of the International Examination Inquiry, its researchers, methods and influence
Seamus Hegarty
Pages 291 – 292
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