Revues scientifiques
Educational Policy, 24(6) 2010
- Lora Bartlett and
- Lisa S. Johnson
The Evolution of New Teacher Induction Policy: Support, Specificity, and Autonomy Educational Policy November 2010 24: 847-871, first published on October 22, 2009 doi:10.1177/0895904809341466
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- Julie A. Marsh,
- Jennifer Sloan McCombs,
- and Francisco Martorell
How Instructional Coaches Support Data-Driven Decision Making: Policy Implementation and Effects in Florida Middle Schools Educational Policy November 2010 24: 872-907, first published on August 3, 2009 doi:10.1177/0895904809341467
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- Alison Castro Superfine,
- Catherine Randall Kelso,
- and Susan Beal
Examining the Process of Developing a Research-Based Mathematics Curriculum and Its Policy Implications Educational Policy November 2010 24: 908-934, first published on November 24, 2009 doi:10.1177/0895904809351690
- Select this article Erratum Educational Policy November 2010 24: 935, doi:10.1177/0895904810386148