Revues scientifiques

The Journal of Distance Education / Revue de l'Éducation à Distance, 25(1) 2011

Table of Contents Research Articles

Online Classroom or Community-in-the-Making? Instructor Conceptualizations and Teaching Presence in International Online Contexts HTML ePub
Tannis Morgan
Collaborer à des fins d’apprentissage en science et technologie au primaire : un accompagnement pédagogique en réseau significatif pour le développement professionnel des enseignants HTML ePub
Sandrine Turcotte, Christine Hamel


E-Learning: Confusing Terminology, Research Gaps and Inherent Challenges HTML ePub
Sarah Guri-Rosenblit, Begoña Gros


The Online Crit: The Community of Inquiry Meets Design Education HTML ePub
Tene C Barber
Stories from the First Cohort in Doctor of Education in Distance Education HTML ePub
Dorothy (Willy) Fahlman
Digital Learners in Higher Education: A Research Project Update HTML ePub
Tannis Morgan, Mark Bullen

Book Reviews

The Emperor’s New Computer: ICT, Teachers and Teaching HTML ePub
Kristeen Maureen McKee
Handbook of Distance Education HTML ePub
Lorraine Mary Carter