Table of Contents March 2011; 25 (2)
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Job Queues, Certification Status, and the Education Labor Market Educational Policy March 2011 25: 267-298, first published on March 22, 2010 doi:10.1177/0895904809351689
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- Miquel Àngel Alegre,
- Jordi Collet,
- and Sheila González
How Policies of Priority Education Shape Educational Needs: New Fabrications and Contradictions Educational Policy March 2011 25: 299-337, first published on December 23, 2009 doi:10.1177/0895904809351688
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Evaluating School Improvement Plans and their Affect on Academic Performance Educational Policy March 2011 25: 338-367, first published on November 24, 2009 doi:10.1177/0895904809351693
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- Katy Swalwell and
- Michael W. Apple
Reviewing Policy: Starting the Wrong Conversations: The Public School Crisis and “Waiting for Superman” Educational Policy March 2011 25: 368-382, doi:10.1177/0895904810397340